Rod found us our first home and 17 years later
helped us sell it. I would recommend him 1000%
- Michelle

and purchase my home, and I
honestly couldn't be happier with
the purchase.- Troy

They worked tirelessly to help us find
the perfect home. Highly recommended!
- Patrick

buy all 4 of my houses. I’ve known him for 20+
years and there is no one I would trust with
my family's well being than him. - David

on the seller's market when we listed with him in 2018.
With his network of connections he found a buyer
for our home without us having to do one open house!
- Valerie

their amazing team are a pleasure to work with.
They listen and pay attention to details.
They are so easy to work with and they really
show that they care. - Rodney
Santa Clarita Real Estate Agent
Why Rod?
Buying a new home is a major step, so it’s important to make sure that you’re fully prepared for the process. When you buy a home, you will need to set a budget for yourself, decide where you’re going to look, and research mortgages. You’ll also need to find a real estate agent who can help you with the search process and make sure your interests are represented. Finally, you will need to make an offer, inspect the property, and navigate the closing process. Having a realtor working with you will help to ensure that the process runs much more smoothly. If you’re looking for a home in Southern California, contact Rod McIntosh. Rod is a seasoned realtor who knows the area well, having been a real estate agent here for more than 40 years. He works to ensure that all of his clients have the information they need to find the homes they’ve always dreamed of owning. Would you like to learn more? Call (661) 259-1100 today to set up an appointment.
Are you looking to sell your home? If so, it’s important to have a seasoned real estate agent in your corner. Selling a house may sound straightforward, but it’s actually a complex process that requires an experienced hand. First of all, you’ll need to prepare your home for the sale, and make any necessary repairs or improvements. You will need to complete the required paperwork, and you will need to decide on a selling price. You’ll need to market your home and get it ready to show to prospective buyers. Finally, you will need to navigate the process of the actual sale. When you’re looking for a realtor near you, it’s time to call Rod McIntosh. Rod has extensive experience as a real estate agent, and he knows the Valencia community and the surrounding areas well. If you’ve just started thinking about selling your home, then Rod can provide you with the information, advice, and guidance you need. If you’re ready to get started, call his office today at (661) 259-1100.